Bilibo is anything your child can imagine. A turtle shell. A sand scooper. A water bucket. A rescue helmet. A hero mask. A wobbly, spinning seat. A stool. A stepping stone. A cradle for dolls. A snowman mold. A giant cereal bowl. An impenetrable home base for action figures.
The list goes on and on! And the best part - unlike the buckets, wood planks, cardboard boxes, and other odds and ends kids might find in the garage to play with (much to your chagrin), bilbo is meant to be played with.
It's made of high-density polyethylene so it's shock-resistant, weather-proof, food-safe, and completely recyclable.
Plus, its rounded, friendly shape is designed to spark curiosity and inspire the imagination. Enliven playtime with bilibo, the most versatile tool in the toybox!
From Fat Brain Toys, for ages 2 and up
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All orders are processed within 24 to 48 business hours (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your order confirmation email. You will receive another notification when your order has shipped.
Of course, we want you to be 100% satisfied!
If you are not satisfied with our merchandise, please return it within 60 days of receipt and we will refund the purchase price.
When you return an item to us, you must:
All sales are final on gift cards, clearance sale items, advent calendars and plush items including stuffed animals, puppets, pillows and sleeping bags.
Items eligible for returns must be new, unused and contain all original product packaging & accessories. If you choose to return your item, shipping and handling cannot be refunded. However, if the item is defective/damaged, or if a shipping error was made, we will refund postage and handling charges for that item.
We will do everything possible to expedite the handling of your return. Please allow sufficient time for us to receive and inspect the merchandise. If you are requesting a credit card refund, please allow one billing cycle for credit to appear.
If further assistance is needed, please call us at (866) 578-8697 or email us at